Laura Zuidema - Mar 20, 2023

Digimind welcomes spring by holding a Digital Cleanup Day

Digimind Spring 22 Release (Blogpost cover) (1)-1


The sun is slowly coming out, flowers are starting to bloom and the days are getting longer again… That can only mean one thing: today is the first day of spring! 


To celebrate the spring (in the Northern Hemisphere), we hosted an online data cleanup, and went and looked at the Historical Search function from Digimind -  a global leader in social listening and competitive intelligence SaaS Software -  to see what has been popular online in the past week. Let's have a look.


Digimind Historical Search 

In Digimind Historical Search, the concepts Spring, Bloom, Season, Sale, Month and Sunshine are scoring well. With “week” having the biggest score - especially in the United States. Makes sense, since the big party week of ‘spring week’ is also around the corner.


Source: Digimind Historical Search, using 'spring' from march 13 - march 19 2023.


The most popular hashtag is - without any surprise - #spring. Followed by #fashion, #flowers, #shoplocal and #nature.  The locations where spring is talked about the most are almost all located in the Northern Hemisphere.. Especially in the cities London, Washington D.C. and New York, spring has been an active topic online.


Source: Digimind Historical Search, using 'spring' from march 13 - march 19 2023.


Try including these emojis '🌸🌷✨' which are used the most in regards to spring,  in your next social post for some extra ‘flower power’.


DigiSpring Cleaning

With the first day of spring also comes the time of another popular spring activity: the annual ‘spring cleaning’. Like cleaning the closet, kitchen, and the places you normally forget. 


This year we added something extra to our own spring cleaning program: an online data cleaning. Online data - like old emails, big files and videos - have to be stored in a data center, which has a negative impact on carbon emissions. 


Therefore, we participate in the global movement:  the Digital Cleanup Day - which is a day where companies and individuals try to limit their online footprint as much as possible. All our team members are asked to put in time in their schedule to to clean up digital clutter, such as old emails, unused files, and archives.  As a socially responsible company, we recognize our responsibility to minimize our environmental impact, like reducing our carbon footprint. 


Do you want to find out more about Digimind’s CSR Initiatives? Click here to read about our commitment to sustainable and responsible business practices. 


About Digimind

Digimind is the global leader in AI-Powered social listening platforms and market intelligence software, designed for brands and agencies who want to accelerate digital transformation through an insights-driven approach. Digimind’s best-in-class technology transforms social and online data into actionable business insights, enabling marketers to plan, execute, and analyse their marketing strategy effectively. With offices in New York, Paris, Singapore, Grenoble, Rabat, Buenos Aires, Mexico, Madrid, and Amsterdam, Digimind is part of Onclusive, a global partner for public relations and Communications success.


Additionally, as part of its CSR strategy, Digimind gives privileged access to its social media monitoring tools to schools and nonprofit organisations. This program,, is implemented in order to extend this initiative to a larger number of NGOs and to open it to secondary education. 



Learn more about Digimind’s partnership with Danone, Greenpeace, Allianz, Heineken, and others. 

Written by Laura Zuidema

Laura Zuidema supports the Digimind team in HR and Marketing. Her writing is focused on global initiatives regarding CSR and Digimind’s approach. She is an avid lover of nature, playing board games with friends and family and finding good unknown restaurants in town.