11 Ways to Supercharge Consumer Insights with Social Media Listening

The ubiquitous nature of social media has added a pertinent platform for marketing teams to detect and analyze consumer insights.

Consumers regularly take to social media networks and online forums to share opinions about companies, brands, and even leaders, as well as research brands and products. From social media posts to search data and online reviews, the internet has grown into a valuable channel for collecting data and finding relevant consumer insights on your brand, industry, and competitors.


For many sectors, conversations on social media and the web are a gold mine that can be leveraged for various purposes. This includes enriching your understanding of both current and potential customers, boosting your marketing campaigns for greater accuracy, improving products and services, and supercharging decision making. 


From harnessing the power of social listening tools to gather consumer insights in real time, to mapping key objectives and insights to different departments and activities, download this guide to discover how you can supercharge consumer insights with social media intelligence!

Find out in this guide:
  • Key objectives for capturing consumer insights from social media
  • Social media networks, customer review sites, and search engine queries you should monitor
  • How to map social listening objectives and insights gathered to different business activities
  • 11 case studies for collecting and analyzing consumer insights to boost product development, customer experiences, and customer relations  