Ranking Top Chocolate Brands on Stickiness in APAC

The growing urbanization and the increase in purchasing power in Asia-Pacific are leading consumers to care much more about the origin of what they consume, for example when it comes to chocolate products. They are willing to buy sweets only if manufacturers provide quality ingredients. How do chocolate brands stay in touch with what's being discussed online to act on consumer demand?


To help digital marketers and brands maximize their sales and marketing potential in this new internet economy, Digimind has developed a consumer insights report detailing consumer attitudes toward chocolate and what they expect from brands. 


Through this report, we investigate online conversations in the APAC region and how marketing campaigns are driving consumers to buy, but also remember one brand over another, leading to successful brand awareness and reputation.



This topline report by Digimind collected almost half a million social and online conversations in 2022 to provide you with a current snapshot of the consumer landscape so as to rethink future products and campaigns.


Discover in this report:
  • Industry Background on Chocolate so far
  • Social Highlights and Audience of Singapore, Indonesia, Philippines, and Malaysia
  • Current Share of Voice and Insights on 20 Chocolate Brands Across Each Market
  • Key Campaigns that Generated High Online Engagement