The Complete Guide to Optimize Your Brand’s Reputation with Social Media Listening

According to a survey by Forrester*, brand reputation is the third most common objective for deploying social media listening tools.


Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are not just places where people talk and exchange personal information and experiences. For brands, they are treasure troves of real-time consumer insights and market trends that can be deployed beyond marketing and communications.

Companies that have adopted social media monitoring tools in their arsenal, are better equipped to optimize communications and ensure their perception among consumers and the media is favorable.


Brand reputation can be influenced by a variety of factors, including corporate leadership, advertising, and even a company’s products and services. It is important to remain vigilant in monitoring all these drivers, as well as be on the lookout for new players and factors.


If you’re looking to start monitoring social networks or gain insights from online conversations about your brand, our complete guide is on hand to help you!


From demystifying how social media listening works, to streamlining your customers reviews, get this step-by-step guide for how to choose the right social media listening tool for optimizing your brand’s reputation.


*Forrester's Q2 2018 Global Social Listening Platforms Forrester Wave™ Customer Reference Online Survey

Unlock this guide to discover:
  • Main challenges of managing your brand’s reputation in the age of social media
  • 9 key areas for monitoring your brand's reputation
  • Key stakeholders and social listening metrics to include in your monitoring
  • 12 case studies from clients in brand reputation management, crisis prevention and management, and content strategy