Competitive Environmental Intelligence

Environmental sustainability has transcended its status as a corporate buzzword to become a guiding principle for PR, communications, and marketing teams; it’s paved the way for a new era of competitiveness with huge financial ramifications.

Given the pressing global challenge of climate change and the increasing demand from consumers for ethical and responsible business practices, brands are acknowledging the need to align with sustainable values to uphold and advance their reputation and relevance. This strategic reorientation towards sustainability is deemed essential not only for resonating with consumer values but also for fostering long-term brand equity and gaining a competitive edge in the market.

Brands that utilize social media intelligence to navigate the intricacies of climate-related information and strategies enable themselves to effectively communicate their brand’s message, uphold brand health, and sustain competitiveness in their respective markets.



Our whitepaper, Competitive Environmental Intelligence: Winning the Media & Marketing Race, delves into the crucial data sets that PR, communications, and marketing teams need to track to understand their competitive landscape and benchmark against to improve media performance and brand perception.

Don’t miss this opportunity to get the tools you need to gain a deeper understanding of your competitive environmental sustainability landscape, benchmark effectively, and elevate your brand’s media performance and perception.

Unlock this whitepaper to discover:
  • Key media intelligence data sets PR, communications, and marketing teams should track to gain a clear understanding of their competitive landscape in relation to environmental sustainability.

  • How to gather these competitive intelligence complex data sets simply and effectively.

  • A Competitive Environmental Intelligence analysis of global energy companies to illustrate the power of mainstream, online, and social media analysis for successful competitive benchmarking.