Key Consumer Voices Online for APAC Telcos to Dial In On

The telecommunications landscape in the Philippines has diversified from what used to be a duopoly led by two telco brands, into a diverse field of new players where mobile virtual network operators (MVNOs) make up the majority of the market.

Since they first rolled out 5G services in 2019, the Philippines have been working on the expansion of their consumers' accessibility to commercial 5G, further raising the bar for consumer connectivity. As more and more Filipinos are choosing to access the internet through their mobile phones, the demand for improved internet services has never been clearer.

These demands highlighted obvious gaps within the industry where consumers are raising concerns over issues that include the stability of internet connections as well as consumer service qualities. With the help of technology, these telco players are pushed to take a strategic approach in diversifying their offerings to match the nuances of their consumer needs.

Gain key insights into what consumers are talking about telco brands on the web and social media sources. What are the key services vital to upkeep in this age of the customer, or the strategies needed to adapt to new customer demands?

Digimind’s social report investigates current customer behaviors towards the telco industry and the benefits of revamping their current infrastructures to better fit the changing consumer needs.

Discover in this report:
  • Social snapshot of the telecommunications market in the Philippines
  • Social highlights related to key services rendered by telco providers
  • Changes observed among MNO vs. MVNO brands
  • Opportunities and strategies for brands to overcome customer pains