Newsroom | Digimind

July 2016: Bringing yet more new functionalities to Digimind Intelligence

Written by AccountsAdmin | Jul 18, 2016 10:13:42 AM

Each month our teams work endlessly to bring you new features that make your job just that little bit easier. This month, we are thrilled to introduce several exciting features:

Alerts and data in 'Reader' - New filters, images and more tags

The Digimind Intelligence Reader interface is one way for our users to quickly access their validated data and incoming alerts. We've been working round the clock to be able to offer this effective and interactive interface, and as part of this ongoing development, we're pleased to introduce some new 'Reader' features:
- Images for alerts and validated data on the Reader
- Tag display for Reader alerts
- New filters for automatically generated tags
- The creation of a new filter: 'My activity'
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Image gallery in Profile Manager

Your Profile Manager allows you to create structured, easy-to-read and useful data sheets for quick benchmarking. You can create your own profile-types to ensure that your Profile Manager contains the information you need, organized in the way you want. We're delighted to bring you the new way to view the validated images within your profiles: the image gallery. This new feature will allow you to quickly move several images within the same profile: especially effective for comparing different visual elements surrounding a particular item. For example, packaging, logos, advertising campaigns (print or display), web pages, etc.
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'Likes' and 'Unlikes' for validated data

One of the major reasons for using Digimind is to get the important data to those who need it most. Getting their views on the collected or published data is, therefore an essential step in the process. "Like" and "Comment" functionalities within your validated data allows you to get your readers opinions no matter where they read the data, whether it's on:
- the shared Dashboard
- the Reader, under validated data,
- the newsletter with "like" and "comment" buttons.
Until now you couldn't "unlike" a previously "liked" post. Now, with the arrival of the "Unlike" button, it is possible, appearing both on your Dashboard and Reader.
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