Newsroom | Digimind

The Financial Services sector takes a closer look at Competitive Intelligence

Written by admin | Dec 15, 2005 2:01:35 PM

A full house welcomed the conference led by Digimind at the BNP Paribas workshop on December 6, where they presented Competitive Intelligence strategy and systems for the financial sector. Key financial players forming the majority of the audience were greatly impressed by both the subject matter and Digimind's performance, but representatives from other fields of activity also showed their interest.

A powerful message

As this was Digimind's first presentation at a BNP Paribas workshop, Digimind wanted to present its product in a striking way, by inviting partners and customers to talk about their real experiences. Thérèse Torris (Director of Afferto Research: presented the Intelligence challenges facing companies in the financial sector, while Bertrand Blanchard (VP Strategy & Business Development) provided feedback on Société Générale GSSI's experiences implementing Digimind Evolution: both testimonies were highly appreciated by everyone and triggered much lively and valuable discussion among participants towards the end of the conference.

Satisfied and convinced

Results from the satisfaction survey following the day revealed that participants were very satisfied with the organization of the conference and felt they had learned something of value:
80% of participants were very satisfied with Digimind's presentation and the customer testimonies;
80% of participants were very satisfied with Digimind's presentation and the customer testimonies;
70% of participants believe that Digimind Evolution has considerable operational value.

The BNP Paribas workshop, a veritable technological crossroads for the last 25 years, has hosted more than 15,000 company Directors as they present their particular approach and technological solutions. These workshops aim to:
Let others benefit from the fruit of their tracking of ongoing technological developments, from their capital of experience, through practical workshops and conferences;
Provide correct and up-to-date information throughout the year, through publications ("la lettre de l'Atelier": Workshop newsletter);
" Develop technological and business expertise, through research, clubs, a radio program.